February 8th 2011
We went to Jakarta on 6.20 AM by Garuda Airlines from Surabaya. We got 2 flights, but I’m in flight 1 so we went first. We ate at A&W to wait for the 2nd flight. When they arrived, we had briefing. Then, we started our adventure.
We went to Garuda.
Garuda have 3 spots.
Garuda – G. M. F. Aeroasia
GMF stands for Garuda Maintenance F
It was becoming a company on 2002, it have 115 hectar land and consist of 3 airplane hangars. All hangar are for aeroplane maintenance. We went to hangar 2 and it is a simple services special for Garuda Indonesia. A plane that will get maintenance will just stay for 1-3 days. 3 days is a maximum day for each plane. Hangar 3 is heavy maintenance service special for long planes such as boeing 737.
Generally, this place is available for all domestic aircraft, there are also planes from Europe and South East Asia. This place had certificates from FAA and SAA, which is known almost all over the world. It is also included biggest Top 10 in Indonesia.
Apron is a name for plane parking lot. From a worker there, he said that this company will do the best to serve the best maintenance and quality. They got sperparts from French, Europe. Every 6 years, their stuffs will be overhole or being checked up. There were no doubt working there, he liked it, but he worked very hard and non-stop there. “It was tiring, but fun”, he said.
There, we looked planes from near, we went inside and sitted in the pilot room. I saw there were a lot of machines in the pilot place. And I can’t be a pilot anyway, because they will not accept people with damage eyesight, also they will have some requires for physical, mental, and intelligence.
Garuda – A. C. S
ACS stands for Aero Catering Service. It is a place where they provide the blankets and food that we got everytime we go by plane.
It have a lot mottos, such as: integrity, fast, reliable, efficient, excellent work, hygene, and trusted. It have branches in many places such as: Juanda-Surabaya, Medan, Balikpapan, Jogja, and Denpasar. Their quality was proven from a certivicate they got about food safety. They got to audit their company every 6 months between units. It was worked since 1972 and already had 4,000 employees. It accepts hospital service also. They are Siloam, Pondok Indah, etc. Beside food in planes and hospital service, they also did the laundry! Called with ACS Laundry.
ACS serves around 35,000 portions each day. Their beef meat is imported from Australia because it is hygene and safe, but the chicken is still local from Indonesia. They have rivals from Malaysia and Singapore, but still they compete well enough.
We went inside the process of making, packing, and storaging. We even went inside the freezer! It was so cold inside. Before we went there, we used a cap and a coat. It was compulsory because if we left our hair in the food, and they got caught, they have to pay two millions for it! Just for a single hair. There are rooms labelled ‘bread’, ‘japanese’, ‘asians’, and many more. There even a place for liquid stuffs, there are a lot of galloons there! They got juices, fruits, veggies, and a lot of stuffs. That is why they have a lot of empoyees to organized it. There are a room for plates, bowls, glasses, forks, and spoons. They separate it into many blocks, for: Mandala, Garuda, China Airlines, etc. Each blocks have different type of equipment, different colour and patterns also. It used to differentiate them from another plane. 5R for them are ringkas, rapi, resik, rawat, and rajin and they have applied it.
Before we went to the third place, we had our lunch in ACS. Their foods were delicious! They served Indonesian food such as sop buntut and broccoli.
After that, we went to...
Garuda – G. M. T
GMT stands for Garuda Training Center. It is a place where they train evacuation when emergencies happen, training and test to those who want to be a pilot or the female attendant on long distance transport or in Indonesian we called it as pramugari. Unfortunately we can not use the evacuation simulation because there were people having test inside. So, I looked around the pramugari room. There was a training there, they got a lot of mirrors, catwalk path in the middle, and they were listening to a speaker at that time. They have to learn about clothes, gestures, classes, verbal language, voice, expressions, eye contact, walk, and how to comfort and serve people in the plane. I met a young woman named Mira. She was already a pramugari. She said that it was her dream to be a pramugari. The main thing is not just giving food, but how to help and serve people. She did not scared, she just enjoyed it. The procedure is a little bit complex and complicated, because they have to learn the details also. And to be pramugari is not that easy. She had to pass the TOEFL, minimum height of 165 centimeters, have a good health, and many others.
After that, we went to Bandung, had dinner in Kampung Daun, Checked in hotel in Amaris Hotel Bandung, and first day had already finished.
February 9th 2011
On the second day, we went to 3 places: KAA Museum, Distro, Museum of Geology, and C 59.
We had breakfast in the hotel and had short briefing in the bus.
KAA Museum
KAA stands for Konferensi Asia-Africa.
It is a conference that happen in the past, aim for spread the world about the independence. It happened 10 years after our independence on 1945 exactly on 18-24 of April. But Indonesia had already told the idea since 1933. It was happened because of colonialism and imperialism that gone to colonization and cold wars and turbulance of weapon and racism between west block and east block. It was included as an international level and was build on April 24 1980. Soeharto was the one who dedicated it to immortalized them the meaning and story of KAA. This building then used for education center, observation, and vacation spot. Their tables and chairs are still fresh from 1955. It was pure of Jati Tree, it was very strong and still looks new. Why our president wanted to locate this building in Bandung? He said because Bandung have a nice weather and it have good security to protect the building. It was followed by 106 countries around the world.
The place is still good and there are a lot of history things there. It was so fun.
Distro – God Inc.
In Bandung, there are a street that have a lot of distros. We even can’t go there for a day. So that each group of grade 10 Cita Hati student are divided into different distros. My friends and I got this distro named God Inc. It was spooky, black-dominant colors, metals, and most of all it was for boys. The people inside was also wear spooky-thingy. It was quite funny how they build such store beside a kitty-kitty-looked store that colored calm and pink. It was exactly like heaven and hell.
This distro’s actual name was not “God” but they write it as a short-name for Godzilla. It is because the owner love godzilla. He also love black and band stuffs, that is why this store is more for boys. This store have a unique and interesting color for stuffs. More we looked around, we can see that it was actually not boy’s stuffs. We saw stuffs for babies, even couples of cute-colored mini dress and blouse! They sell complete stuffs from top to below. From clothes, shorts, jeans, jackets, buckles, sandals, shoes, bags, accessories, socks, even I saw some CD’s there too! Their motto is just smile and they did not make any huge advertisement. It just known from mouth-to-mouth. Their special appearance are black, cute, old-classic, and unique. But their weakness is their product for girls is limited. They don’t have branch in anywhere else, but they have ‘branch’ in Jakarta. But not their own store, they just put their clothes in other store and so that the profit will be halve. Quite unique isnt, it?
Near the street of Distro, there the Pagoda Resto where we had our lunch. They served Chinese food and it was very delightful!
Museum of Geology
It is a museum that have a lot of geology things. There are stones, bones, world maps, and other geology things. We looked around here and taking photos. I interviewed 2 people here. First was an elementary student from PPK Penabur School, Bandung. His name is Andrew and he was still in the second grade. He don’t have any expectations from the museum, he just wanted to look around. His favourite place is the second floor because it was more interesting and fun. But he have a suggestion for the museum, he said, “maybe it will nicer if they clean it everyday and keep the cleaness well.” The second lucky person was the worker there. His name is Lutfi. He was from Bandung and had worked there for 2 years. He said that this Museum was built from 1928 and finished on 16 of May 1929. It het renovated on 1998 and got last-finishing-touched by Ibu Mega on August 22nd 2000. This place was used for vacation spot, education center, and also observation center.
C 59.
Familiar with this name? It was a popular silk-screening in Bandung. They chooses this name because C stands for the first alphabet of the owner’s street house and 59 is the owner’s house number. He said that we have to make a unique and an easy-remembered name for a brand. Sometimes it may mean for an individual problem like Amanda Bakery. It is a famous brownies bakery that had branches in many other places. And so, Amanda itself stands for Anak MANtu DAmai. They choosed it because when they want to start the business, their family was in chaos. What is good in C 59? They have the same price for center store or branches stores. They were creative, inovatif, and well communicated.
Here, we saw the process to silk-screening and cloth making. They taught us how to do it and allowed us to try it as well. The place for silk-screening was not an exclusive air-conditioner room. They use traditional way. They have fan everywhere and half-opened room to allow the sun light goes in. The silk-screening procedure have to be done color per color. When they done one color, they’ll fan it with hairdryer and waited for 5-10 minutes, then continue with the next color. They can make the pattern and colour by themself. The owner of C 59 is graduated from Franch. He flew back to Indonesia and one day when he wanted to buy clothes, he thought that he did not want this stripes, he want another colour of patterns, and so on. From that day, he got an idea, “why don’t I made clothes that people can ask for the colour, patterns, and pictures?” So then, C 59 was stand proudly and still works until now. For an information, the owner of C 59 and the owner of a distro named Evil is siblings.
We actually have to go to Sambara Kebon Kawung for dinner. But, they surprised us by taking us all to Rumah Mode and Paris Van Java. We had a lot of fun there, and many of us shopped, too! Bandung is definitely such a heaven.
Then, we back to hotel. We got a lot of food. We got nasi campur, es campur, and also bread from ACS. We feel so tired and sleep rightaway.
And this is the end of the second day journey.
February 10th 2011
This is the last day of our Field Trip. We packed our things because we have to checked out after breakfast. Then, we had short briefing again and went to Primarasa. We shopped there. Then, we went to Saung Udjo Cultural Tour.
Saung Udjo – Angklung, traditional music in Indonesia
The place is so nice, comfortable, and uniquely traditional. Located in Jl. Padasuka no. 118, Bandung. The show was started on 15.30 WIB-17.30 WIB everyday.
It was build on 1966 by Udjo Ngalagena (Alm) that was usually called with Mang Udjo. He had a wife named Uum Sumiati. Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU) was a place for music performances, education center, and vacation place for culture as well. It has tradition culture of West Java. SAU tried to goals Abah Udjo’s dream where he was known as Legend of Angklung, they wanted to make Angklung as an art and a culture identity that can be proud of.
“Saya mendapat pesan dari Bapak Angklung Dunia, Daeng Soetigna (Alm), untuk meneruskan misinya memperkenakan ANGKLUNG ke semua orang di seluruh dunia agar dikenal dimana-mana, dengan sebuah gagasan bahwa melalui penampilan kesenian musik ANGKLUNG, akan dapat membantu mendorong terciptanya kedamaian di dunia, yang kita cintai dan kita tinggali ini”
Their show seperated in 11 parts. There are:
Wayang Golek Demonstration. It was a Sunda culture than show a drama of wood dool that tells about ceremonies happen in Indonesia. In each Wayang show, it will reflect moral so that we will always obey Him and be good for others.
Helaran. An Angklung show that usually played in traditional ceremony khitanan or even the ceremony of planting seed. It shows the thankfullness to God for all of His blessings given to us.
Traditional Dances. In each traditional dances will have a story in it. Legend story or traditional story. Depends on the show. Such as:
Topeng Dances. The mask itself represent the character of human that refers to tempramental, unpatient, slooby.
Merak Dances. It is a traditional dance from West Java to show the beauty of Peacock and tells about the beauty of color.
Mini Angklung
Padaeng Angklung
Combine Rehearsal Angklung
Here, we, the audience have an opportunity to play Angklung. Each of us will get an angklung and the host will take a hugh paper shows 1-7. Where 1=C, 2, 3=E, 4=F, 5=G, 6=A, and 7=B. And we will play together there.
Orchestra Angklung
Here, they performances a lot of songs from Indonesia. Even jazz music, they played it with our traditional music instruments.
Jaipong Angklung
Last but not least..
Dance Together
Here, the music still played and the audience allow to dance together with the player in front. And it was a happy goodbye for us.
The process of making Angklung is not easy. It takes 6 months or a year to dry the bamboo. The way of drying are vary. Wind technique, oven, or gas technique. The duration is also vary. The more longer it takes, the better it will be. It also have specific time to do the drying. The best time is at 10.00 AM-15.00 PM. Because in this time, it requires photosynthesis where prevent the bamboo from bacteries and fungis. The sound that produce from each Angklung are different from each other. And how it can produce sound do, re, mi? It differentiate from the lenght of the bamboo, bamboo’s tube, and also the size. The smaller and shorter bamboo will produce high pitch, while the bigger and taller bamboo will produce low pitch. That is why a complete Angklung will be organized from the smallest to the biggest. It is just the same as the piano arrangement from the lowest to the highest. The age of an Angklung is about 20 years, but it have to be care well to prevent from fungis, dirt, and damage.
Then, we went to the airport in Jakarta and had lunch in a restaurant near there named Bukit Randu Bandara. Because we still had a lot of time, we played and took photos as well. It was so fun. After that, we went to the airport and checked in. We arrived at around 22.00 PM.
That’s all from 3 days of Week Without Walls Field Trip. I learn a lot from this activity. I had fun, but educated as well. Thankyou for reading!
Week Without Walls- Godly Entrepreneurs.
Selasa, 29 Maret 2011
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